2015 Bucket List

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I know it's been a while since I've posted, but I can assure you I have been extremely busy but now it's time to fill you in on what's been happening!

At the start of February, I came up with the idea of creating a bucket list for 2015 of things I want do. I've decided that this is going to be my year. I'm sick of waiting around for things to happen/not happen, so from now on I'm going to do what I want to do.

With that being said, the first five things on my bucket list involved the water, sunshine and a bit of courage. So with summer coming to an end, I made the quick decision to jet set to the Sunshine Coast- the ultimate destination for water activities and good times. I'm a grade A planner so I had each day mapped out from start to finish. Weather permitting, all was set. The week before we left Queensland went through a pretty dangerous cyclone, so I was a bit skeptical, but so pleased when we arrived and it was a beautiful, sunny 30 degrees.

One activity I wanted to try was stand up paddle boarding. I read it was great for increasing general fitness and also improving your core strength, plus it was fun! It was a bit tricky at first, but I got the hang of it. It's quite relaxing actually!

One major extreme sport on my bucket list was scuba diving! I've never done it before, so therefore not a certified diver :( but I was lucky enough that Underwater World allows those without their certificate to swim with the sharks!!!! This was probably one of the best things I've ever done, I will remember it forever. Inside the tank were sharks, stingrays, massive gropers, all kinds of fish and underwater life...it was pretty magical and I highly recommend it!

I've also always wanted to ride a horse on the beach and through the water.
I found Equathon on the internet and saw it had great reviews, so I booked in a session. We had to take our car onto a car ferry to get to the island where the horses were. Finding the place was an adventure in itself, but totally worth it. I was quite surprised that when the lady knew I could ride she said to me 'Ok off you go, do whatever you like!' It was so exciting to have no restrictions and do whatever I wanted, so naturally I went flying down the beach with my horsey pal and had a great time. The horses were very well behaved, it was a gorgeous sunny day and so much fun. The beach was deserted so we had it all to ourselves. I think the picture really says it all...who could not enjoy that!

All the food we had was delicious and by the end of each day we were exhausted from all the physical activity we did. I made sure that each day we went down to Coolum Beach for a swim. The water is divine, so warm and welcoming- I could have swum in it all day, every day. 

So, after four days in the Sunshine Coast I can tick the following off my bucket list

- Scuba diving
- Jet Skiing
- Stand up paddle boarding
- Riding a horse on the beach

Not bad in my opinion! 
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