Day 10: Rome

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Rome; our final destination! I must say, it was the nicest hotel we've stayed in the whole trip. 
We started by trying to navigate our way on the train line. To be fair, it was actually quite self explanatory because there were only two lines- a red and blue. 

We had booked in to do a tour of the Colosseum before we left home so we got off at Colloseo. It's quite incredible that you step outside of the train station and this incredible monument is right there in front of you. We arrived an hour early to make sure we found our group in time, but after 75 minutes of searching and asking we had no luck. We contacted our travel agent who then informed us it must be a scam- very good travel agent....naht.

We were petty bummed but instead of letting it get to us, we went to this gorgeous coffee shop right outside the Colosseum, sat outside, had coffee and cake and everything was all better. 

We got on the train and explored Rome. It's an odd city really- on one side you have the old ancient ruins and on the other you have modernized infrastructure. For me, it didn't feel as authentic as the other Italian places I'd visited. We saw the Trevi Fountain where I had my Lizzie McGuire moment of throwing a coin in to the water and the Vatican which it was very beautiful. 

On our way home on the train- one stop from our hotel- I got mugged and had my wallet stolen after a group of girls surrounded me on the train and fled with my belongings. It was pretty traumatic and it shook me up quite a bit but I was thankful it was our last day in Rome, so not having my credit cards and cash wasn't too much of an issue. 

All in all, Rome didn't really treat us very well. It was our final stop and I'm glad I saw it but I won't be going back there. There are too many other beautiful places to see!

I'm excited for my next adventure in December when I'm off to Dubai, Finland and London. 

Keep reading for more!

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