Who would have thought little old Perth could be home to such great fun.
We were lucky enough to have my nan and aunty fly in all the way from Sydney to visit us for a week.
One thing we all have in common is our love of fashion and shopping. I can safely say my aunty is just as addicted as I am to the thrill of getting something new! So much so, she was on the verge of having to get another suitcase to take all her new purchases home. One thing we always do when the girls get together is share wardrobes and do a mini fashion parade (which they did without me while I was at work!!!! Still devastated)
As a special treat I took the family to high tea at C Restaurant. Located in the Perth CBD this revolving restaurant is on level 33. It rotates slowly allowing you to take in all the beautiful Perth sites.
The food was amazing- little scones with jam and cream, meringues, sandwiches, lemon tarts...the works, it was beautiful.
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