We got up early and accidentally went to the wrong breakfast area and ate leftovers from a previous group. Woops/ewww.

We had a guided tour (in the rain) which wasn't ideal but we learnt all the history of Venice. We walked over the Bridge of Fists. It has five small footprints on it. Apparently men would go there to have organised fist fights and try to push their opponents into the canals. It got banned after men started bringing knives to the fights!
We made our way to San Marcos square where we walked into the most beautiful lace store. We sat down and had a demonstration on how they make lace. I bought my family this Christmas tablecloth which would take 5 months to carefully hand make. Surprisingly it only cost 50 Euros. The government subsidies lace makers to keep the tradition going.

We went to the Accademia gallery and onto a super posh hotel where we heartily ate cake and coffee while being served by Italian men in white suits. That night, instead of going out to dinner we went to the supermarket, picked up a few rolls and had a TV dinner. Day well spent in my opinion!
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