Walking in a Winter Wonderland

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My highly anticipated holiday to Falls Creek has come to an end :( What a whirlwind of a trip it was.
My best friend and I were super excited to go on our first trip together and it couldn't have gone better. 

Not gonna lie- the travelling to get there was pretty brutal (three hour plane trip at 1:45am and a five hour bus drive up a mountain) but it was so worth it. 

Falls Creek is located in the Alpine National Park in the Victorian Alps, approximately 350 kilometres from Melbourne. When we started planning our trip, we knew one thing- WE WANTED SNOW! We deliberated going to New Zealand to ride the slopes but decided on staying in our own beautiful country for our first solo mission- and I'm glad we did. 

For first time skiers Falls Creek was perfect. We went just before peak season and school holidays so there weren't too many people around and while initially we were disappointed there wasn't real snow falling, by the end we were so incredibly thankful. It would have been so difficult to get around.

Falls Creek has beautiful restaurants, the nicest people I have EVER met and some of the most glorious views I've ever encountered. 

Here are some of my favourite photographs. 

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