Liebster Award

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Thank you Beauty and Whit for nominating me for the Weibster Award! I'm so flattered you took the time to take a look at my blog and I hope you enjoyed it!

For those of you who don’t know the word Liebester is German for sweetheart. This award is a way to discover new blogs! There is a simple set of rules for this nomination. The rules are as followed:
 Ø  Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.
 Ø  Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you.
 Ø  Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers (I based this on Bloglovin’ follower count).
 Ø  Create anew set of 11 questions for your nominees to answer.

My nominees
1. Collage Me Pretty
2. AJ's Makeup Drawer
3. sjayniee
4. Istylethereforeiiwear
5. Fashion Styling
6. I Heart Nail Art

Answers to Beauty and Whit's questions

1. Do you wear makeup every day?

I just started my first full time job in the media industry, so I like to make sure I look polished and refined for work. I do wear makeup pretty much every day but try to keep it to a minimum. My philosophy is that makeup should enhance the features you have, which is what I try to do. I try and keep it natural. 

2.      What is your favorite place to shop?
I love to travel to Sydney, Australia, to shop. Coming from Perth, Western Australia, we don't have a massive range compared- but we're getting there! Sydney nurtures Australian designers and they have a great selection of Aussie designers located all throughout the CBD. 

3.     How would you describe your personal style?
I would describe my style as classic, conservative with a bit of sass. I try to stay away from trends and wear clothes I find flattering to my body type and will last more than a season. 

4.     Do you prefer high-end or drugstore makeup, and why?

I like to mix the two. I use high end makeup for the likes of foundation, blush and powder as I find they have a greater chance of matching your skin tone and also as its something I use daily I like to spend a bit more. I use drugstore makeup for lipsticks, eyeshadows and nail polish. You can get some amazing bargains that look fabulous. 

5.     What is your favorite brand of makeup?

My favourite brand of makeup is MAC and Clinique. The formulas work for my skin and are a great match. It doesn't even feel like you're wearing any makeup!

6.     What is one product you can’t live without?

I cant live without eyes look bald without it!

7.     Do you have a New Year’s resolution, and if so what is it?

My New Year's resolution is to live a healthier lifestyle. It's not something I've ever taken into account so I want to exercise more and make a conscious effort to drink more water!

8.     Name three things on your wish list.

- Chanel bag! 
- great skin
- healthy family 

9.     What do you hope to accomplish or gain from blogging?

I want to share my voice and opinions on fashion, style, media and journalism with the world and read the blogs of people with similar interests. 

10.  What is your proudest or exciting moment so far from blogging?

Reaching 100 followers :)

11.  How long have you been blogging?

I've had my blog for a year or so but have only recently began writing daily posts. 

Questions for my nominees:
1. What is your favourite season to dress for?
2. What is your ultimate style tip?
3. Describe your style
4. Who is your favourite designer?
5. How often do you update your blog and why?
6. How often do you go shopping?
7. What are your top three beauty products?
8. Lipstick or nailpolish? why?
9. Who is your favourite model?
10. What are you goals for your blog?
11. What is your favourite online store?

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1 comment

  1. thank you so much for this! I recently did a leibster post but I will definitely give you a thank you and link your blog in my next post:)
